LD040 - Traffic Lights / Lanes RUH
Overtaking another vehicle requires good concentration and judgement. Which of the
following statements is correct?
- You need to watch out for all large, long vehicles which are turning.
- It is best and safest to speed up when a vehicle behind you tries to overtake you.
- The faster the vehicle you are overtaking is going, the less distance you need to
LD041 - Traffic Lights / Lanes RUH
When driving on a multi-lane road with a speed limit of more than 80 km/h, which lane
should you choose?
- The left lane unless overtaking.
- The right lane to avoid slow moving vehicles.
- Either left or right lane.
LD043 - Traffic Lights / Lanes RUH
Signalling is -
- Always required before turning or lane changing.
- Not required when turning at T-intersections.
- Not required when turning at traffic lights with a green arrow.
LD044 - Traffic Lights / Lanes RUH
How should you merge with traffic when entering a motorway?
- Watch for a gap and increase your speed to safely merge with the
- Slow down and force your way into the traffic.
- Stop, then enter the traffic quickly.