Year and treatment effect for soil properties measured in the 0–30 cm soil layer. The soil properties are calculated per mass unit of dry soil. Data are arithmetic means (SD) of
all treatments sampled in 2011 and 2012. Data with the same letter(s) (factor treatment: lower case letters, factor year: upper case letters) in a column are not significantly
different (Scheffé’s test, p < 0.05) from each other (SOC: soil organic carbon; DSOC: SOC levels of FYM, VFG, CMC1, CMC2, CSL minus SOC-levels of MIN per block; FYM:
farmyard manure; VFG: vegetable, fruit and garden waste compost; CMC1: farm compost with low C/N; CMC2: farm compost with high C/N; CSL: cattle slurry; MIN: only
mineral fertilizers; NF+: no fertilizer; NF: fallow).