chemoreceptors for pCO2, pO2, pH, and inability to
ventilate adequately quickly increases pCO2. Although
the lungs normally excrete the volatile fraction through
ventilation, but any alteration in ventilation that affects
the rate of elimination to the rate of production of CO2
can cause a respiratory acid–base disorder. It has been
suggested that any speculation regarding the role of
blood pH in the regulation of respiration may be due
to other factors that are also influential in the chemical
control of respiration (Gesell, 1925). This type of disturbance
in venous blood acid–base status in this study
may reflected, acute respiratory acidosis (significantly
increased level of pCO2, decreased levels of pH without
effect on HCO3
−) caused by hydrogen ion (H+, acid) accumulation.
However, all observed acid–base changes in
this study are still within the normal venous acid–base
chemoreceptors for pCO2, pO2, pH, and inability toventilate adequately quickly increases pCO2. Althoughthe lungs normally excrete the volatile fraction throughventilation, but any alteration in ventilation that affectsthe rate of elimination to the rate of production of CO2can cause a respiratory acid–base disorder. It has beensuggested that any speculation regarding the role ofblood pH in the regulation of respiration may be dueto other factors that are also influential in the chemicalcontrol of respiration (Gesell, 1925). This type of disturbancein venous blood acid–base status in this studymay reflected, acute respiratory acidosis (significantlyincreased level of pCO2, decreased levels of pH withouteffect on HCO3−) caused by hydrogen ion (H+, acid) accumulation.However, all observed acid–base changes inthis study are still within the normal venous acid–base
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