and sharp injuries need to be reported. Only 3 percent of respondents from Hospital BatuPahat, 2.6
percent from Hospital Taiping and 7.3 percent from Hospital Tumpat gave correct answer on the question
of categories of clinical waste. However, majority of the respondents answered correctly on the color
coding of the clinical waste bins (Hospital BatuPahat 93 percent, Hospital Taiping 90.8 percent and
Hospital Tumpat 95.3 percent). Majority of the respondents stated that clinical wastes must be thrown in
the container less than 3/4 full (Hospital BatuPahat 79.7 percent, Hospital Taiping 81.6 percent and
Hospital Tumpat 73.3 percent). About 46 percent of respondents from Hospital BatuPahat, 25 percent
from Hospital Taiping and 18 percent from Hospital Tumpat stated that they noticed needle sticks and
sharps in other containers than its specific containers. There were a number of respondents stated that
they were injured with needle stick or sharp injury during waste handling (Hospital BatuPahat 11.7
percent, Hospital Taiping 9.9 percent and Hospital Tumpat 11.3 percent