Jigalong is a place in desert near the Rabbit-Proof-Fence. Molly´s family was living there. Her mother
Maude is an Aboriginie and her father is a white Englishman. He was working there as a inspector of the Rabbit-Proof-Fence.
Molly (fourteen years old) was teased by the other children because she was a half-cast girl. Once, Maude told her that her aunt´s daughters Gracie (ten years old) and Daisy (eight years old) are half-cast girls, too and was going to come to their family. So Molly was happy and when they were there, she spent much time with the girls. Because more and more half-cast children were born, the government had to build schools for them, one´s name was "Moore River Native Settlement". In the end, Molly, Gracie and Daisy were collected and sent to "Moore River Native Settlement", too.