Biological control is an innovative, cost effective and eco-friendly approach for control of rice diseases. Brown
spot Trichoderma sp. is known for its mycoparasitic and antagonistic mechanism for the control of wide range
of fungal disease in all types of crops. Trichoderma sp. is an ecofriendly organism that does not cause any
harmful and side effect on human beings and domestic animals when handled. This research is based on the
principle of biological control of fungal diseases infection in rice plants by the use of T. harzianum and T. viride.
Cultures of T. harzianum and T.viride were collected and isolated from agricultural soil and were used in
laboratory condition for the control of rice diseases of brown spot. The present study used T. harzianum and T.
viride as biocontrol agents to control rice disease of brown spot, investigating the effectiveness of the control
agents. Satisfactory results were obtained in both biocontrol agents against rice pathogen Bipolaris oryza .