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Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop tutorial: Create a low-poly portrait
Create a hip graphic portrait from a photo.
By Breno Bitencourt SHARE THIS
You don’t need to be an expert in Illustrator or Photoshop to follow this tutorial, as long as you have a good eye – and a good amount of patience.
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Step: 2
Now, you’ll need to combine them to create your perfect reference. Erase the unnecessary parts and make a collage of the parts you’ve selected – using masks and blending modes to bring them all together.
You don’t have to stick completely to the reality of the photos – you want to create a reference photo that’s as handsome as I am. For example, I wasn’t liking the way the glasses’ arm was sitting on my ear, so I extended it.
I also changed some parts of my hair that weren’t very interesting.