Same! i re-read it cause i am so confused.. i think Lispen is saying why Dio is in his human form...
okay, I have a major confusion. Is Ruby also an enemy ? I know she isn't on Lispen's side but Dio said in the end "the only one who can stop her is the king". So does Rood have to stop both her and Lispen ? that's some serious hard work especially since Rood:
A) Doesn't have his whole king power since Lid has a part of it and Lispen has another part and Ruby has the last part
B) Rood is very exhausted after awakening Lid, he couldn't do something as basic as sense Shic's presence so that's like...very bad.
I thought, the moment Ruby and the fish person and that other fox face guy know that Rood is the king, they wouldn't stand in his way since everyone in the other world respects the king a lot whether they're "good guys" or "extreme guys" (I don't wanna call Lispen bad guy since he has his way of doing things but he probably is the one who respects Rood the most).