Lee Hyun connected to the Dark Gamers’ chat room. Information disclosure, questions, sales, and grade advancement were the main topics of the chat room.
In normal chat rooms, there were people who were there just to waste time, but Dark Gamers were different. Information about the activities of Kingdoms, professions, quest information, and other necessary info were exchanged in real time.
These conversations weren’t open to everyone. The rooms were available through the forums, which could only be accessed if their rank permitted it, so only a small fraction of Dark Gamers were allowed to share the information.
It was a basic skill to use chatting to uncover the secrets of other gamers.
– Huni: Hurry, hurry, come in. Hyun-nim.
– Hyun: We meet again.
– Huni: Yes, nice to see you.
– Wicked Me: This is my first time meeting you, Hyun-nim.
There were about 7 users in the chat room.
Aside from the people who were lurking beneath the surface, in actuality only Huni and Wicked Me were chatting.
– Huni: Hyun-nim, you’ve been coming here only for a little bit late at night. What have you been doing lately?
– Hyun: I’ve just… I’ve been learning my profession’s skills.
– Huni: Profession skills are very important. Normally, you access the chat room and don’t say anything, but you also check the market prices of items, right?
– Hyun: Yes.
– Wicked Me: I also often do that too.
– Huni: All Dark Gamers are probably like that. It’s because there’s no job as busy as ours.
It was crucial for Dark Gamers to regularly check on the item market prices, commissions, and hunting grounds. For the sake of earning money, not only effort, but information in itself was crucial.
Only Dark Gamers who went beyond other players, could purely enjoy their meetings.
– Huni: I have been a Dark Gamer for 7 years. How long have you two sirs been Dark Gamers?
– Wicked Me: I’ve been one for three years. Well, two years actually.
– Huni: Then I suppose I’m your senior, though that doesn’t mean much. If it’s 2 years, then did you start Dark Gamer activities since the release of Royal Road?
– Wicked Me: That’s right. I started the same time Royal Road was released. Since I progressed faster than others, I was able to collect some money from the start.
– Huni: I envy you. What about you, Hyun-nim?
– Hyun: I’ve been a Dark Gamer in earnest for about one year.
– Huni: That’s incredible!
– Wicked Me: Is that true? If you can enter this rank’s chat room, you’re probably not on an ordinary level… And it’s not just level, but the quality of the information shared and your responses are important in determining your rank.
– Huni: One year is really surprising. Can you please tell me your secret?
– Hyun: I just worked really hard. And I started making money as a Dark Gamer way before then; it’s just that I registered a year ago.
– Wicked Me: As I thought, that’s how. It’s hard to be a Dark Gamer in Royal Road.
– Small Dragon: Nice to meet you. I see you’ve been having an interesting conversation while I was lurking. I’ve been a Dark Gamer for 6 years.
The users who had been lurking joined the conversation and the chat room soon became hectic.
As they exchanged greetings and conversations started, the old text ascended quickly. In spite of that, the frenzy didn’t even last 10 minutes before calming down.
Users left to look for information they needed, or were taking a break while keeping the chat room open.
Lee Hyun also briefly went to look at different information and returned to find Huni and Wicked Me having a conversation.
– Huni: Hyun-nim. Are you there?
– Hyun: Yes.
– Huni: Actually, this time there’s a quest I want to accomplish…. I’d like to consult the two of you.
– Wicked Me: What quest is that?
– Huni: First of all, please be understanding of me when I say that I won’t disclose details about the quest’s contents.
– Wicked Me: Of course.
– Hyun: I understand.
– Huni: Thank you for understanding. To be honest, I’ve been doing a quest that’s a little special.
– Wicked Me: Is it a dangerous quest?
– Huni: You could say that. It also has a high degree of difficulty… The quest prevents you from ever reviving again.
– Wicked Me: I don’t understand what you said about not reviving. What does that mean?
– Hyun: The character would completely die in Royal Road, right?
– Huni: Yes. Thats right.
The complete death of a character.
It was something that could happen if you learned a forbidden magic, or if gave your soul for some reason or another. It was standard for Dark Gamers to refuse these kinds of requests. Curses that were difficult to cure could somehow be resolved after a time, but if your character disappeared, you have to start again from the very beginning.
After his profession was changed to Legendary Moonlight Sculptor, he had initially been very dissatisfied, but the reason he gave up on raising another profession was because it was hard to start over.
– Hyun: How did you come about that quest?
– Huni: I was with the guild I manage, it was a quest we got as a guild.
– Wicked Me: If you’re managing a guild, you must have quite an exceptional character; that’s quite regretful.
– Huni: Yes. Now I’m feeling a little regretful. I wonder if I started something too excessive because of my friends and guild mates, but the rewards that can be obtained through the quest are considerable.
– Wicked Me: As a Dark Gamer, is it worth starting over?
– Huni: I’ll have to see how the quest progresses, but right now I think it’s worth challenging. Even if we aren’t able to clear the quest, we accepted it because we can hope for such a huge reward.
-Wicked Me: If it were me, I’d worry first. Even so, to raise another character is going to be tough.
– Huni: In my 7 years of being a Dark Gamer, I think this is the biggest opportunity and challenge yet. Since there’s some money I’ve earned, even if I die I’ll probably be able to start over.