Differences in chemical composition between ARF and WF can
be observed in the composition of the bread products as well
(Table 1). Most importantly, the AB product contained somewhat 8 g/100 g higher amount of dietary fibre and about 18 g/100 g less
available carbohydrate than WB. Compared to literature data of
whole-meal bread (Souci, Fachmann, & Kraut, 2008), AB had nearly
two times higher protein content (whole-meal bread: 7.55 g/100 g
(NX6.25)) and possessed higher mount of dietary fibre and total
arabinoxylan (whole-meal bread: 7.41 g/100 g and 4.26 g/100 g
respectively). The available carbohydrate content of AB was 15 g/
100 g lower than that of whole-meal bread