Following the decision at the 25th Meeting of the TWG, the ASEAN Secretariat had conveyed to the Sub-Committee on ATIGA Rules of Origin (SC-AROO) that the “amendments of the Operational Certification Procedure (OCP) were meant for the ‘live’ implementation of the ASW and not for the ASW Pilot Project.” And it was also conveyed to the SC-AROO to review and expedite the completion of the amendments of the draft OCP. Noting the urgency to expedite the completion of the OCP amendments, the Meeting agreed to recommend to the ASWSC to highlight the impact and implications in the report of the ASWSC to the SEOM with regard to the request for the SC-AROO to amend the OCP. This would also ensure that the SEOM would urge the SC-AROO to expedite the finalisation of the amendments to the existing OCP.