Time April every year (five full days)The tradition was begun for the first time, phanom rung. When 2481 (1938) by Than Chao Khun Ophat from WAT Tha Prasit Surin. Who came to meditate kammaṭṭhāna introspection he phanom rung, which at that time did not have a climb up to the castle would be more interested to visit the Castle everybody yourself without timing with the annual Surin was sawai for b. 1 month 5 of every year, you see that your boss is well justified ophat tradition, he was a good thing to let people make merit together, socialize. Create harmony and a chance to relax, too. It initiated the ceremony up Khao phanom rung for the first time in 5 months, the full moon day and phanom rung up the Hill tradition 2485 (1942) have also practices succession to until.Every year, there is one important phenomenon that happens every year, during that time we will see the Sun exactly the length of the castle we can get through the door to the door frame and chaos in the West.