Turning to the analysis of IFRI forest associations we first
summarize the results on what determines participation, not
just in terms of responsibility to attend meetings, but being a
councilor on a forest association board or a leader of that board.
Perhaps the most consistent finding, in terms of what
determines women’s participation, is the role of wealth
inequality and discrepancy in wages. Both factors significantly
predict both the number of women councilors as well as the
presence of a woman leader. As with the household level,
differential asset endowments between mean and women
clearly present differential opportunities in participation at
the community level and possibly reflect women’s lower
opportunities for wage employment due to lower education
and skill levels. Employment can enhance women’s participation
as it provides women not only with financial resources, but also
with practical skills for organizing and expands their social
networks outside of the household (Tiessen, 2008).