2.2. Psychiatric history
Presence of lifetime DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition) disorders was
assessed with the CIDI version 3.0, which was developed in
the World Mental Health Survey Initiative [25] of the World
Health Organization. The CIDI 3.0 can be administered by
trained lay-interviewers. Using a fully structured and
extensive questioning procedure, CIDI 3.0 assesses all
diagnostic criteria and symptoms required to determine
presence of a variety of common MDs. The CIDI 3.0 was
first produced in English and underwent a rigorous process
of adaptation in order to obtain a conceptually and crossculturally
comparable version in Dutch [26,27]. Clinical
calibration studies in over 30 countries found that the CIDI
3.0 assesses various anxiety, mood and substance use
disorders with generally good validity in comparison to
blinded clinical reappraisal with Structured Clinical Interviews
for DSM-IV [28]. Included internalizing disorders