Our structured literature review had limitations.
First, the initial screening of articles by title and
abstract may have excluded some relevant articles,
especially since ‘‘goals of care’’ is not a MeSH term
in MEDLINE. However, the purpose of this review
was not to include every possible article of relevance;
rather, our goal was to review a sufficiently robust
collection of articles to capture the spectrum and
content of goals of care in the literature overall and
irrespective of the specific source of information.
Second, the first 30 articles were analyzed for
content by 2 investigators, but content analysis of the
remaining articles was performed by only 1 investigator.
Third, by combining goal categories that were
closely related, we were able to reduce the total
number of goals of care to 6. Although this reduction
resulted in a list of goals that is more practical
because it is shorter, the specificity of some goal
categories was necessarily diminished.
Our structured literature review had limitations.First, the initial screening of articles by title andabstract may have excluded some relevant articles,especially since ‘‘goals of care’’ is not a MeSH termin MEDLINE. However, the purpose of this reviewwas not to include every possible article of relevance;rather, our goal was to review a sufficiently robustcollection of articles to capture the spectrum andcontent of goals of care in the literature overall andirrespective of the specific source of information.Second, the first 30 articles were analyzed forcontent by 2 investigators, but content analysis of theremaining articles was performed by only 1 investigator.Third, by combining goal categories that wereclosely related, we were able to reduce the totalnumber of goals of care to 6. Although this reductionresulted in a list of goals that is more practicalbecause it is shorter, the specificity of some goalcategories was necessarily diminished.
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