The first policy
in Figure 9, Catalogue for managing the import of wastes, which was passed in 2000, included
second-hand electronic equipment and e-waste in the “List of Prohibited Goods to be Imported for
Processing or Trade”, which is updated regularly. However, as discussed in section 2.3, e-waste is still
entering China through multiple illegal channels despite of the official ban. Effective enforcement and
monitoring mechanisms are therefore necessary for this policy to be effective.
The first policyin Figure 9, Catalogue for managing the import of wastes, which was passed in 2000, includedsecond-hand electronic equipment and e-waste in the “List of Prohibited Goods to be Imported forProcessing or Trade”, which is updated regularly. However, as discussed in section 2.3, e-waste is stillentering China through multiple illegal channels despite of the official ban. Effective enforcement andmonitoring mechanisms are therefore necessary for this policy to be effective.
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