Today I found some mistake between GIFTSEDD and SAS (As per picture below), (REF:201510270002370-in GIFTSEDD, REF:EG201510270002370D-in SAS) in case of Beneficiary name in SAS show MRS ANCHALEE CURRAN but in the same transaction 3rd Party (beneficiary name) in GIFTSEDD show MICHAEL CURRAN and all payment instructions of this beneficiary in GIFTSEDD showed in the name of MICHAEL CURRAN ( As per picture No2 below)). After checked with CBS I found this account No.105453xxxx is a joint account between ANCHALEE CURRAN and MICHAEL DAVID CURRAN. The meaning we are monitor in wrong person because we do not monitor the true beneficiary in P/O. In fact we should be monitor true beneficiary instead of the owner of the account. SAS system automatically retrieves detail of owner account from the system of the head office but it not show the complete data.