Categorical: This type of non-narrative form slpits a subject into parts or categories. it is based on repitition with slight variation. In a film, all the types of things must be alike in some way. However, each type must be distinguishable from the others. Overall, the text will have one large subject that will introduce segments to break up the texts.
Rhetorical: This type of non-narrative presents an argument and lays out evidence to support it. The argument will be a persuasive argument and the aim of this will be to make the audience develop an opinion and maybe even act on their opinion. There are three types of arguments that can be presented. These are, relating to the source, to the subject and to the viewer. It tries to convince the audience of something of practical consequence and it addresses the audience openly to try and move them to a new intellectual conviction, emotional attitude or action. The argument presented will not be a matter of science or anything along those lines. It will be something that is strongly based on opinion. An audience’s opinion can be solely based on the convincing case that the filmmaker makes if the matter can’t be proven. Also, if the conclusion can’t be proven, the filmmaker will appeal to the audience’s emotions. The text usually won’t point out other opinions, this means that the audience rely on their own opinion more.