The quest for such effects has been primarily driven
by epidemiological studies that suggest a link between
exposure and leukemia and other cancers. A plausible
mechanism to explain any such effects has yet to emerge
and hence the relevant electromagnetic field parameters
are not known. .... The absence of conclusive evidence
from the epidemiology does indicate that any & i (if
they exist at all) are likely either to occur in ody a small
proportion of the exposed population or to be so small as to
be obscured by other environmental factors. Lack of
knowledge of the relevant field parameters is a serious
handicap to all epidemiological studies. .... No theoretical
mechanism of interaction has been confirmed
experimentally. Despite earlier reports of effects in a
diverse range of models there has been not a single positive
replication of any study during 1993, instead the range of
unreplicated studies has continued to grow. The few
replications that have been attempted have all failed to
confirm the original findings and indicate the fragile
nature of the existing literature. We regard replication as
an absolutely essential requirement in this controversial
area before reported effects can be regarded as established
*... There still remains no well accepted experiment that
shows any effect of these low-level fields, and doseresponse
curves have yet to be demonstrated”