Development of the image of a tourist destination
Tocquer and Zins (2004) studied the perceptual influences
on tourists with regard to a particular destination,
and proposed the grouping of images into four (4)
stages of development:
• Vague and unrealistic image - stems from advertising,
education and word of mouth dissemination.
It is formed before the tourist travels. In this sense,
people see a travel vacation as something healthy.
• Distortion of the image - at this stage, the person
decides to go on vacation, choosing the time spent
on vacation, destination and type of tourism product.
It is during this period that the image of vacation is
changed, clarified and expanded. The image developed
becomes clearer once the vacation plan has been
• Improved image - in this third (3rd) stage, we have
the vacation experience itself. When there is direct
experience of the tourism product, the image is improved
by canceling out incorrect or distorted elements
and strengthening elements that prove to be
• Resulting image - this fourth (4th) stage refers to the
recent memory of the vacation experience and can
lead to nostalgia, regret or fantasy. Thereafter, a set
of new images will be triggered that will affect future
decisions about that same tourism product.
Meanwhile, other authors propose an interpretation
of the image before visiting the tourist destination and
with the image being built after the visit. Thus, Phelps
(1986) defines the primary image as the image built after
the visit to the destination and the secondary image
is seen as the image built before the visit to the destination.
Later, Gunn (1988) and Mansfeld (1992) distinguished
two (2) types of images in the secondary image:
the organic image (informal image for Mansfeld) that
derives from non-commercial information (independent
of destination management) and the induced the image
(formal image for Mansfeld) with respect to information
conveyed by the commercial organization responsible
for the destination (figure 4).
Based on this typology, Fakeye and Crompton (1991)
developed a path model that illustrates the route taken
by tourists in search of information. Thus, these authors
explain that a potential tourist has a secondary organic
image of a set of destinations (share of mind). Then,