Princess…A-ah I-I’m sorry. I-I didn’t think you would be so surprised. I-I’m so sorry. I-I’m s-so sorry. P-p-please forgive me. Today I baked your favorite cake. O-o-of course, I know it’s beyond my position… b-but I wanted you to eat it…
H-heh heh heh…Y-yes, this Utsuro made the cake. It’s my feelings - I put all of my love in to it. There’s so much love baked in, that there wasn’t any need for sugar when it was done. I-I don’t know if you will like it or not but…T-that is…j-just o-one… bite…
Aa-ahh ahh I-I’m s-s-so n-nervous that I-I c-can’t s-s-s-speak… I-I j-just wa-wa-wanted the Princess to eat this cake, s-so…y-yes…
…R-really? REALLY? You’re going to eat my cake? You’re going to put it in your beautiful lips!? It’s true, isn’t it!!?
Ah…ahhh ahhhh! God! Lord! Princess!! It’s that - I don’t care if I die anymore! Ahhh!! How can I give thanks for this happiness!?
A-hh ah ah..! I-I’m sorry for being so noisy! I-I will prepare the tea… a-and I-I’m so sorry for touching the teapot and utensils…U-ughhh whaa ahhh~~ *sob sob* I’m sooo happy~~
U-um. Princess… it’s done.
W-wha!? P-p-please d-don’t say that you don’t want it after all! P-please…please, s-somehow… It’s the cake Utsuro made without sleeping…see, the deep dark circles under my eyes? Thinking of you, my heart is so full and almost bursts! These feelings don’t know when to stop. Thinking of you, I made this cake and wanted you to eat it…that’s what I thought in my heart… ah-ahh ahhhh I am…! So please…! Please…
Eh? That’s why… you don’t want to eat it? Because it’s something I made? You don’t want to eat it…that’s why you don’t want to eat it… ah ah ahhhh…! ahhhhh!? T-then I will p-prepare a wonderful seat for you…