Factor analysis reveals two factors that
represent 56 per cent of the variability in the
original items under networking. The most
important factor, labelled “business networks”,
comprises three items: being regular clients, a long and durable relationship with suppliers, and paying suppliers on time. The second factor is a
combination of such elements as “visiting
suppliers on a regular basis”, “offering personal
greetings to suppliers”, and “suppliers are
managed by family members or friends”. We
labelled this factor as “social networks”. See
Table 5.
Factor analysis reveals two factors thatrepresent 56 per cent of the variability in theoriginal items under networking. The mostimportant factor, labelled “business networks”,comprises three items: being regular clients, a long and durable relationship with suppliers, and paying suppliers on time. The second factor is acombination of such elements as “visitingsuppliers on a regular basis”, “offering personalgreetings to suppliers”, and “suppliers aremanaged by family members or friends”. Welabelled this factor as “social networks”. SeeTable 5.
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