An essential element in the development of an
integrated logistic chain concept is the redesign
or re-structuring of the entire logistic chain. In
the literature several attempts to structure the
logistic process have been described. Porter (1985)
introduced the well-known value chain model in
which two kinds of logistic activities are identified:
primary, value-adding, activities and secondary,
supporting, activities. The major drawback
to the successful use of this model for integrated
logistic management is the fact that the
model is developed from a process point of view.
Bytheway and Braganza (1992) indicate that as a
result the underlying information structures are
not visible, and the model does not provide opportunities
to re-structure the entire logistic chain
from a zero base. The authors have developed
the so-called Cranfield Enterprise Model, which
takes into account the shortcomings of the value
chain model. The Cranfield model comprises, on
the one hand, a structured view of the information
available in a logistic chain and, on the other
hand, a functional decomposition of relevant logistic
operations. The information model consists
of seven high-level domains of information, to be
divided into primary information
An essential element in the development of anintegrated logistic chain concept is the redesignor re-structuring of the entire logistic chain. Inthe literature several attempts to structure thelogistic process have been described. Porter (1985)introduced the well-known value chain model inwhich two kinds of logistic activities are identified:primary, value-adding, activities and secondary,supporting, activities. The major drawbackto the successful use of this model for integratedlogistic management is the fact that themodel is developed from a process point of view.Bytheway and Braganza (1992) indicate that as aresult the underlying information structures arenot visible, and the model does not provide opportunitiesto re-structure the entire logistic chainfrom a zero base. The authors have developedthe so-called Cranfield Enterprise Model, whichtakes into account the shortcomings of the valuechain model. The Cranfield model comprises, onthe one hand, a structured view of the informationavailable in a logistic chain and, on the otherhand, a functional decomposition of relevant logisticoperations. The information model consistsof seven high-level domains of information, to bedivided into primary information
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