Research Objectives and Hypotheses
Based on the reviewed literature, this study proposes the “ranking model” of employee competencies which
was composed of three main dimensions: core competencies, managerial competencies and functional (taskrelated)
competencies (Stephen and Uhles, 2012). This study suggests that aforesaid factors have direct
effects on organizational performance. According to the research framework, core competencies, managerial
competencies and functional competencies’ factors are assumed to influence the individual and
organizational performance. This study will independently analyze the effects of those critical factors of
competencies on individual and organizational performance.
The hypotheses underlying the impact of employee competencies on individual performance are:
H1: Individual Performance improves if core competencies are enhanced.
H2: Individual Performance improves if managerial competencies are enhanced.
H3: Individual Performance improves if functional competencies are enhanced.
The following hypotheses are also proposed to state in underlying the impact of employee competencies on
organizational performance.
H4: Organizational Performance improves if core competencies are enhanced.
H5: Organizational Performance improves if managerial competencies are enhanced.
H6: Organizational Performance improves if functional competencies are enhanced.