See below my quick capture, I use June data as “before” which should be replaced by your average full year 2012. I find that this pilot is extremely important and very interesting. We need to deep-dive in to the fact why is Market Stall shows 17% decline. The reason for the growth in WS is obvious, but we need to understand why for Market Stall 1) TO/Bill coming down, same as 2) SKU per bill, but the 3) number of bills going up. Is there a clear cannibalization with RK go to WS with on-top scheme and so affected the FR salesman directly? Or was it FR doesn’t know how to cope up with the lost sales of Core SKU from RK directly to WS? And compensate with others hard-to-sell SKUs? Or should we in fact provide on-top for FR to increase the SKU per billed effectively? Or should the market area all be covered by the same salesman, whether it is to be RK or FR?