Hi my friend,
Happy Prayer Circle Wednesday!
As you may know, my prayer team and I have dedicated ourselves to supporting you every Wednesday through prayer and love. We've created one of the largest global prayer circles with thousands of amazing friends around the world receiving support so that they can heal, prosper and thrive!
When two or more prayers come together, even greater miracles happen.
Affirmative prayer has the power to change EVERYTHING, and is readily accessible to us. This kind of prayer comes from a place of knowing that we are not separate from the Universe, but that we are One with it. It transcends religion and takes us straight to the heart of the sacred I AM presence.
It doesn't come from a place of 'need' but rather a place of knowing and trust.
One of the greatest gifts we can offer to each other is the gift of prayer.
Please share your desired prayers below, and we will make sure to include them in our prayers.
My prayer for today is:
May our planet be restored back to its most pristine and vibrant state now!
After making your personal request, please take a moment to read some of the other prayer requests, and if you feel moved...say a little prayer for them too. We are a global family, and through this kind of support for each other, we are changing the world!
Feel free to give others the opportunity to affirm their prayers by sharing this post with your friends and family who you feel would also enjoy and benefit from having a community support them in this way. Sharing our blessings in this way magnifies the miracles for all of us.
If you would like to receive extra free prayer and support,
please visit http://www.emmanueldagher.com/home/prayer-request