Maturity means an ability to take criticism and evaluate it. When it is not of value, when it is not constructive, but destructive, one can forget it. But when it is constructive one must accept it and try to profit, even though hurt by it. Perhaps you were hurt because a certain person pointed out a fault and you did not want that person to think you had a fault. But, if you are mature enough, you will accept the criticism of those you love and who love you and learn from it. There is much criticism, of course, that comes to anyone who lives his life more or less before the public. Some of it may be entirely justified. Some of it, you may often feel, is unfair. In my own case, it is the criticism not of myself alone but of my husband and my family which has to be considered and evaluated and accepted. If you consider that you are being criticized by someone who is seeking knowledge and has an open mind, then you naturally feel you must try to meet that criticism, that you must try to make an explanation, which may or may not satisfy the critic. But if you feel that the criticism is made out of sheer malice and that no amount of explanation will change a point of view which has nothing to do with the facts, then the best thing is to put it out of your mind entirely, as thougt it did not touch you or your loved ones any way.