I changed the baud rate for Python serial convenience. If you do not use my Python serial to send commands, use 250000 if you like. Motherboard 33 encompasses all the settings for RAMPS 1.4. Setting TEMP_SENSOR_0 0 is absolutely necessary – it disables the temperature sensor which must be done. Inverting the endstops and directions are just a matter of how the Mendrel is built. The feed rates and acceleration were just a result of fine tuning. The steps per unit for X and Y were fine by default, but Z took a lot of tweaking. Tweaking was accomplished by lowering feed rate, performing movements in each axes, measuring their accuracy and then fiddling with steps per unit.
Test Marlin Firmware
With the Mendrel plugged in and switched on, open Arduino. Make sure Serial -> /dev/ttyACM0. Click the Serial Monitor button (rightmost button). This feature has some issues on Ubuntu. If the serial is definitely connected and it is not saying it is there. Just wait a few moments and keep trying. Eventually, the serial monitor window will show up. Change No Line Ending to Both NL and CR. This will add “
” after you send text.
We are going to move the Mendrel about, so keep your hand near the power switch. In the text input box (beside the send button), type “G28” without the quotes and press enter. G28 is the g-code command that homes Mendrel, which returns each axis to its zero position. If the Mendrel homes, then test some more movement commands. Examples:
G1 X100
G0 Y100
G1 Z18
G1 X50 Y50
That’s it. Use this mechanism of typing commands to move your machine out of problem states. Note that when you reset RAMPS, it assumes the starting position is (0, 0, 0) and works in absolute positioning. For available commands see http://reprap.org/wiki/G-code#Buffered_G_Commands and for more on g-code read the G-Code post.
I changed the baud rate for Python serial convenience. If you do not use my Python serial to send commands, use 250000 if you like. Motherboard 33 encompasses all the settings for RAMPS 1.4. Setting TEMP_SENSOR_0 0 is absolutely necessary – it disables the temperature sensor which must be done. Inverting the endstops and directions are just a matter of how the Mendrel is built. The feed rates and acceleration were just a result of fine tuning. The steps per unit for X and Y were fine by default, but Z took a lot of tweaking. Tweaking was accomplished by lowering feed rate, performing movements in each axes, measuring their accuracy and then fiddling with steps per unit.Test Marlin FirmwareWith the Mendrel plugged in and switched on, open Arduino. Make sure Serial -> /dev/ttyACM0. Click the Serial Monitor button (rightmost button). This feature has some issues on Ubuntu. If the serial is definitely connected and it is not saying it is there. Just wait a few moments and keep trying. Eventually, the serial monitor window will show up. Change No Line Ending to Both NL and CR. This will add “
” after you send text.We are going to move the Mendrel about, so keep your hand near the power switch. In the text input box (beside the send button), type “G28” without the quotes and press enter. G28 is the g-code command that homes Mendrel, which returns each axis to its zero position. If the Mendrel homes, then test some more movement commands. Examples:
G1 X100
G0 Y100
G1 Z18
G1 X50 Y50
That’s it. Use this mechanism of typing commands to move your machine out of problem states. Note that when you reset RAMPS, it assumes the starting position is (0, 0, 0) and works in absolute positioning. For available commands see http://reprap.org/wiki/G-code#Buffered_G_Commands and for more on g-code read the G-Code post.
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