Wet seed sanitation project
Q&A for clarification :
1.In CD , No information of the following documents
- A copy of standard construction contarct
- Section 00710 of Monsanto Technical Specification:
"General site conditions"
- Section 5.0 of Monsanto Technical Specification:
"ES&H norms for contractors"
2. Is plant 8 hrs/day working time?
3.Request for Soil test.
4.What size (amp) of the relocated Main Distribution Board(MDB) is?
5.How many total weight(kg) of product to be stored in each coldroom?
6.According to wastewater calculation sheet, There are 4 major lines of wastewater.
6.1 washing water (line A,B,C,D)
6.2 HCL (line E)
6.3 Chlorine (line F)
6.4 TSP (line G)
Please identify drain point (in the building) for each item above
7. The wastewater treatment plant(wwtp) detail is not clear.
In the autocadfile there are other type of wwtp.
Some for hospital some for dormitory.
Which one is correct and comply to the calculation sheet
that get permit from authority?
8. How high is pressure for new air compressor 75 cfm?
9. Is coldroom 24 hrs/day working time?
10. How many % concentration of HCL?