Is the market open on Sundays? – Ist der Markt sonntags geöffnet?
Is the fair open on Mondays? – Ist die Messe montags geöffnet?
Is the exhibition open on Tuesdays? – Ist die Ausstellung dienstags geöffnet?
Is the zoo open on Wednesdays? – _____________________
Is the museum open on Thursdays? – _____________________
_____________________ – _____________________
Can one take photographs? – _____________________
Does one have to pay an entrance fee? – _____________________
_____________________ – _____________________
Is there a discount for groups? – _____________________
Is there a discount for children? – _____________________
_____________________ – _____________________
What building is that? – _____________________
How old is the building? – _____________________
_____________________ – _____________________
I'm interested in architecture. – _____________________
I'm interested in art. – _____________________