There are approaches computing the semantic relatedness of concepts with similarities to our
approach (e.g., Gabrilovich & Markovitch, 2007; Kulkarni & Caragea, 2009). Gabrilovich and
Markovitch (2007) utilise the vast amount of organized human knowledge that is available in knowledge
repositories like Wikipedia and Open Directory Project (ODP). Each node in ODP is treated as a concept.
A textual object is created for each node consisting of concatenated Web documents (listed for each node
by ODP) and their textual descriptions. The concepts are represented as attribute vectors. A document is
divided into non-overlapping segments called contexts where each context is classified into one or
several concepts. An ambiguous concept will be part of several domains, which is partly resolved by
categorising them. In the case of hierarchies, a parent node will typically consist of both the child
concepts and a textual description.