PET bottles contributed higher values in almost all impact categories, except for eutrophication and acidification
potential. It is shown that PLA bottles can reduce CO2 emissions, human toxicity and fossil energy demand. On the other
hand, PLA causes high impact in terms of eutrophication due to a high COD in cassava starch wastewater generated for the base case scenario. Based on option I and II, EP impact of PLAwas highest due to the cultivation stage because cassava planting requires the use of agrochemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides that contributed to
eutrophication potential. The results showed that cassava-based PLA resin had a much higher GHG emissions than sugarcane- and corn-based PLA. This can be explained that both the sugarcane- and corn-based PLA took into account the CO2 uptake during the plant growth, while CO2 uptake during the cassava cultivation of the cassava-based PLA was not included since CO2 uptake was released into the atmosphere at the end-of-life of the PLA product