From the table 3, it is observed that KMO is 0.708 that is more than the required value of 0.50. It indicates that there is no error in 70.80% of the sample and in the remaining 29.20%, there may be some sort of error. Bartlett‟s test of sphericityindicates that the strength of relationship among the variables is highly strong. It presents good idea to proceed with factor analysis for the data.
The value of Chi-square test (4767.754 with significance level 0.000) signifies the rejection of null hypothesis. It means that there is a significant difference between the factors affecting
service quality perceptions. Communality (see the appendix) of each statement refers to the variance being shared or common by other statements. Form the communalities it can be seen that the communality for each variable, V1 to V15 is one.