the positiom was certainly an attractive one, and i could not understand why i felt so little enthusiasm for it. howeve, since my mother and sister thought it was a great opportunity, and i had no wish to hurt Pesca's feeling, i agreed to apply for the job. the next morning i sent my letters of recommendation to the Professor's employer, and four days days later i heard that Wr Fairlie accepted my services and requested me to start for Com..immediately to say goodbly to my mother and Shara
when i left them at midnight, a full moon was shining in a dark blue,starlees sky, and the air was soft and warm. i decided to take the long route home, and walk across Hampstead Heath before joining the rode into the centre of the city. afer a while i came to a crossroads and turned onto the London road. i was lost in my own thoughts, wondering about the two young ladies in Cumberland, when suddenly, my heart seemed to stop beating a hand had touched my shoulder from behind. i turned at once, my hand tightening on my walking stick.