originating from South India Because of the terrain to the south Indian forest, the snakes are plentiful. South Indian snake so faithfully Naga widespread belief in these regions. Asia By calling different names In legendary serpent or "Naga" was a great cultural influence Southeast Asia, South East and the communities along the river. Traces the idea of a serpent was reflected in literature, myths, beliefs, rituals, architecture, fine arts, folk culture and art in the region, often believed to be a sacred animal, the dragon is a symbol of greatness and abundance. Recognized by the Aboriginal people, a supernatural mystery that can inspire a natural mountain ravines, swamps and rivers the basic beliefs of the Naga is a large snake with a gold crest and red eyes, scales like a fish with many different colors to glory. Some are green, some are black, some are seven colors And Naga tribes is common to have a single bead. People who live in the Mekong believe. River banked by the serpent. It also includes the Naga Fireballs. The legend has it that in Lent or on Buddha come from heaven. serpent of the river of joy The fireballs dedicated to the return of the Buddha became a tradition every year. And because they believe that the serpent is underground. A water birth so when farmers plow must look first to celebrate the date and not a buffalo to plow in a counter naga scales. Not doing so is likely to cause more difficulties.