Counseling Schizophrenic
Ah Kwong
Schizophrenia is considered one of the most severe mental disorders and it has strong neurological evidence that makes it hard to be treated. The mainstream treatment for schizophrenia in Western society is dominated by the pharmaceutical industry and mainly consists in controlling the symptoms with medication. However, many studies show that the positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenic patients can be alleviated by psychotherapy. Since beside the genetic predisposition factor, there are psychosocial factors like social avoidance and mistrust contributing to the development of this disorder, so that individual psychotherapy that aims at building meaningful bond and cognitive correction (Lysaker & Daroyanni, 2006) has shown to be very helpful for schizophrenic patients.
The definition of schizophrenia according to the DSM-IV-TR is characterized as (1) delusions, (2) hallucinations, (3) disorganized speech, (4) grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior, (5) negative symptoms, i.e., affective flattening, alogia, or avolition; two (or more) of the above symptoms should be present for a significant portion of time, during a 1- month period in order for schizophrenia to be diagnosed. With different patients demonstrate different degrees of symptoms, the disorder can be grossly classified into different types including: Paranoid, Disorganized, Catatonic, Undifferentiated and Residual Schizophrenia.
Neurological studies and brain imaging technique including PET scan, CAT scan or fMRI have shown the physiological abnormality of schizophrenic patients. The most well accepted explanation is the dopamine hypothesis, which proposes that schizophrenic patients have an excessive level of the neurotransmitter dopamine, causing positive symptoms like hallucinations. Other than that, brain scan studies also shown that there are abnormal structure and activities in schizophrenia patients, including enlarged ventricles, cerebral atrophy, decrease in the size of the thalamus and lower metabolic rates in the prefrontal cortex.
It has been widely agreed that schizophrenia is a brain disease which has a strong biological foundation, and that it is closely related to genetic factors. Studies have found that a person has a 10% higher risk to develop
schizophrenia if he/she has a first-degree relative who it. Twin studies have also shown that, if one of the twins has the disease, the other one has a 50% chance to develop the same disorder. However, many other studies show that environmental factors could also contribute to the onset of schizophrenia; for example, trauma like child abuse, excessive stress, social isolation and drug abuse are found to be related to the onset of schizophrenia (Broome et al. 2005).
A Developmental Point of View
More and more researchers have started to look at schizophrenia from a developmental point of view. The activities and structure of the brain are an ever-changing process, which might be partially determined by internal and external factors. According to neurologist Toga (2002), much of the potential and many of the vulnerabilities of the brain might, in part, depend on the first two decades of life. The cortex and subcortical gray-matter nuclei develop during the fetal life and they continue to grow and specialize according to a precise genetic program, with modifications driven by environmental influences. With stimulation and experience, the dendritic branching of neurons greatly increases, as do the number of synaptic connections. Layers of insulating lipids are laid down on axons through the process of myelination. The increase in brain connections is followed by a process of dendritic ‘pruning’ and synapse elimination, which leads to a more efficient set of connections that are continuously remodeled throughout life. This is an entirely natural process of gray matter loss. Normal people lose gray matter at a subtle rate of 1-2 % per year in the parietal cortices, with little detectable change in the other lobes of the brain. By contrast, schizophrenia patients show a rapid progressive loss of gray matter in the superior frontal and temporal cortices, reaching 3-4% per year in some regions. Patients with the worst brain tissue loss also had the worst symptoms, which included hallucinations, delusions, bizarre and psychotic thoughts, hearing voices and depression (Toga et al, 2006). Interesting in these founding observations is that, in temporal cortices including primary auditory regions, severe gray-matter loss was absent at the disease onset but later became pervasive. Other researchers have noticed the same phenomena and described the loss as so rapid that it was likened to a “forest fire” (Thompson et al., 2001) (Sue et al., 2006). Toga suggested that, the spreading patterns of deficits corroborate the idea that the normal developmental process of dendritic and synaptic pruning might be abnormally accelerated or derailed in schizophrenia. I think there might be some other factors contributing to it, which I will discuss later.
Medication Treatment and its Side Effects
Medication is the most common treatment for schizophrenia, with the main effect of reducing the amount of dopamine in the patient’s brain in order to control the occurrence of delusions and hallucinations. First-generation antipsychotics such as haloperidol (Haldol) or chlorpromazine (Thorazine) were found to be quite effective in reducing positive symptoms, but have serious side effect including tardive dyskinesia, which entails involuntary muscle movements in the eyelids, tongue, throat, neck, legs, body…etc. Moreover, a too low amount of dopamine actually induces symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
Second-generation antipsychotics, such as risperidone (Risperdal), paliperidone (Invega), etc. seem to be more effective in preventing relapse than the first-generation medication, but also have side effects like fever, sweating, severe muscle stiffness (rigidity), confusion, fast or irregular heart beat, even fatal side effect called Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS).
Brain tissue loss was related to the symptoms associated with schizophrenia; however, it is not clear whether the illness itself causes the dramatic tissue loss, or whether the loss it is a side effect of the treatment. Some researches found that higher doses of medication are associated with a reduction in the frontal and temporal lobe volumes. Lieberman and colleagues (2005) performed MRI study on patients with first-episode psychosis who exhibited a significant between-treatment difference in brain volume changes. They found that the neuroleptic haloperidol is associated with significant reductions in gray matter volume compared to an atypical antipsychotic drug olanzapine. Post hoc analyses suggested an association between treatment effects on the brain volume and the psychopathology of schizophrenia (Lieberman et al., 1998) (Sue 2006). This result might explain the research finding of Judith Rapoport, which I mentioned earlier. Why is that severe gray-matter loss was absent at disease onset but later become pervasive? It probably is the result of antipsychotic drug treatment rather than the initiate cause of schizophrenia. To explore the effect of antipsychotic drugs, further longitudinal brain imaging studies are needed.
External Factors Contributing to the Development of Schizophrenia
There is only at most a 50% chance that genes might determine this disease, part of it possibly related to the common environment in which twins grow up. The most famous case people like to mention about the genetic base of schizophrenia is the Genain quadruplets, who all developed schizophrenia symptoms at different periods of their lives. People tend to say that the genetic factor is the leading cause of their mental problems because they share the same genes. However, only few people know that all four of them also suffered from severe child abuse. Psychologist David Rosenthal in his book “The Genain Quadruplets: A study in Heredity and Environment in Schizophrenia” (1963) examined in detail the lives of the Genain Quadruplets for which psychiatrist Peter Breggin in his book “Toxic Psychiatry has the following description:
“The father of these four twins is an alcoholic…He impregnates at least two women other than his wife during the time when the twins are young children…He beats his children and his wife, restricts them to the home, and allows them no outside contacts and no deviation form robotic regimentation… he ‘plays sexual games’ with at least one of the girls, and ‘if his wife or daughters ate a piece of darkly toasted bread, he accused them of ‘trying to get sexually stimulated.’ When his preteen daughters are found masturbating, he puts acid on their genitals. That failing to stop them, he sends two of them off to a sadistic surgeon who mutilates their genitals, severing nerves and cutting out substantial flesh…. Once he banged two of the girls’ heads together to stop their crying…”(Breggin 1991)
The story of the Genain Quadruplets is a living case showing traumatic experience plays a role in the development of this mental illness. A large body of studies has shown the quality of the mother –child relationship to be a predictor of risk for later schizophrenia (Jones et al., 1994; Cannon et al., 2002). Morrison (2001) also claims that certain types of experiences, such as bullying, victimization, racism and alienation from mainstream culture, increase the probability of psychosis (Broome et al., 2005).
Studies found the situation of social isolation can predict the onset of schizophrenia. A study conducted by Sharpley et al. on African-Caribbeans living in UK showed an incidence of schizophrenia at least 6 times that of the native white population, demonstrated that the risk was especially high where the migrant group was a small minority, suggesting that social isolation