The origin of the law
1. morality Are the rules of conduct? This easy-to-understand, listen to the word, but it is very difficult to describe because they come out as to what each person has to understand yourself, and have a different meaning. Depending on several factors, such as ethnicity, religion, the environment, etc., however, the meaning of individual morality, will have similar standards. Although may vary, but it primarily refers to the sense of responsibility or good things that make people, we can live in a society based on peace. Thus, the law, the law must apply morality is the Foundation to achieve social peace as much as themselves.
2. customary is a map of people in society to accept and abide as long time. Each society there are also customary that vary according to the environment, religion, ethnicity, etc., as well as unethical actions that violate the customary. People in the community would be seen as something that is incorrect, offensive actions. It is used as the Foundation for the provision of the law because it is something that people in the social acceptance of. An important example is the law in the uk. The judge will take into consideration customary judgment, which judgment is law. Most other countries, it is customary to use as the Foundation for the law of the country's laws, such as laws such as Thai in the matter of engagement. Splitting heirs Etc.