Laos, everyone went four day for the Laos field trip but not us, Aj. Wiyada and my friends (except Thai friends) must go one day earlier than others. From the first day, I got a lot of travel experiences in Laos. The experiences form the first day is different from other because there was just five of us. After pasting the border, I notice that Laos is really different from Thailand, like roads are too small for car and people thrown garbage. Aj. Wiyada chose the accommodation for one night that located along the bench of the river. After eating dinner, we sat outside and we talk about many things on our lives. And next morning around 6:30, other friend and Aj. Sai arrived. After that, we departed from border city to Luang Prabang by boat. We went there by boat about ten hours. This is my first time on the boat that much. I was afraid of boat sick before, but I did nothing happen. We had our breakfast and lunch on boat. It was very delicious. And we also had some snack on boat. On the way to Laos’s luang Prabang on boat, we all sang together, play together, took photos together, sleep together on the boat floor. Before that trip, we don’t know each other, may be Thai friend know each other but not me. I know their faces but not their name and some friend are I never seen before when we studying in normal class. On the boat, I was friend with Cream (Bu Nga), she really took care of me and other too. We sit in front of the Headroom of boat under the afternoon sunlight. We did not care our skin complexion but we talk together about many things friendly. After we arrived, we went to the hotel by gym cars. On the way to hotel, I wonder that there is no traffic light even it is the most famous city for tourists. And even, I saw the garbage beside the road, I saw the people throw their garbage carelessly. When I arrived the hotel, I saw how adorable hotel is. Local people are warmly welcomed. From luang Prabang to luang Nam Tha, we visited a lot of temples, pagodas and museum. But I did not know the history of them exactly, because guide cannot speak English so I have to ask our friend, Thai friend explained about these but I did not understand very well. Yes, I have Bee also but she did not tell me that too. So, I was boring when we went to pagodas while guide explain about that. Moreover, I had never been to waterfall before, it was amazing. Before we went back to university, I felt stomach age of period. So I cannot go to some places. But many friends took care of me, so I was so happy. In conclusion, I was really happy with that trip even thought something boring. I know many friends, we played together, sang the songs together. It was unforgettable memory of my life. I am really thank to you Ajan, because you gave us a chance to have such kind of memory in my life.