Touch water
Sensitivity of the sensors will be reduced when spattered or dipped in water.
1.5 Freezing
Do avoid icing on sensor’s surface, otherwise sensing material will be broken and lost sensitivity.
1.6 Applied higher voltage
Applied voltage on sensor should not be higher than stipulated value, even if the sensor is not
physically damaged or broken, it causes down-line or heater damaged, and bring on sensors’
sensitivity characteristic changed badly.
1.7 Voltage on wrong pins
For 6 pins sensor, Pin 2&5 is heating electrodes, Pin (1,3)/(4,6) are testing
electrodes (Pin 1 connects with Pin 3, while Pin 4 connects with Pin 6).If
apply voltage on Pin 1&3 or 4&6, it will make lead broken; and no signal
putout if apply on pins 2&4