dark chocolate also has natural plant substances called flavanols that provide numerous health and beauty benefits.
The health benefits in dark chocolate come from natural plant substances found in cocoa called flavanols. They relax the blood vessels, which reduces blood pressure. They also keep platelets from getting sticky, which reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston is currently conducting a study to assess the health benefits of flavanols found in cocoa as it relates to heart attack and stroke prevention. Brigham and Women’s Hospital created a pill that extracts the cocoa flavanols and is examining the benefits in its 18,000 male and female volunteers. the maker of M&Ms and Snickers, patented a way to extract the flavanols from cocoa and is co-sponsoring this study.
Flavanols also help improve the look and health of the skin. It reduces stress hormones, which means fewer wrinkles, lines and breakouts. Cocoa flavanols are also antioxidants that help protect the skin from ultraviolet damage from the sun, fight free radicals and increase blood flow. This means even fewer wrinkles, fewer sunspots and a healthy skin glow. Another benefit from the flavanols in dark chocolate is improved hydration and thickness, which promotes healthy and younger-looking skin.
Next, it is important to eat chocolate in portions. Two to three ounces a week is all that is needed to reap benefits from the flavanols. But having it oncday as a snack or for dessert is OK, too.