Dear Grandpa,
Remember the other day you asked me about my dream vacation? Well, here it is! I want to go to Los Angeles when there's a music awards show. And while I'm there, I'll go to a lot of places that are open to the public. You know, restaurants, parks, libraries, and other places where everyone is allowed to be. And maybe (just maybe!) while I'm hanging out around L.A., I'll run into some famous people.
Do you know who I'd really like to see? Adele! (Have you heard of her? She's the famous British singer.) I know she's a public figure, and famous singers like Adele must often feel like they have no privacy. I wouldn't want to disturb her if I saw her in a restaurant or at a park. But, maybe I could just say "hi" and take a quick picture with her.
What do you think, Grandpa, would that disturb her privacy too much? Maybe it's none of my business, but I do really want to meet her! Perhaps another way to find out more about Adele would be to write her a letter and see if she writes back to me.