development encouraged all industries to be more opened and to be more market orientated
approaching the international level. This newly developed international relationship between
China and other countries directly and indirectly promoted the International Tourism activities in
all regions in China, which led the China’s Tourism industry to a new era based on the market
mechanism. In accordance with China’s national situation and social character, China’s central
government gradually strengthened the building of trade civilization while developing tourism
and kept the correct development orientation of three markets by determining the policy of
‘actively develop inbound tourism, positively develop domestic tourism business, and properly
develop outbound tourism business’. It was obvious that China’s central government determined
the new direction for the Tourism development associated with business activities as well as
promoting pleasure trips for domestic/international travelers. These changes created a powerful
foundation for the growth and expansion in China’s Tourism industry, as well as brought in
significant impacts on market activities and economic development.
Regional Disparities
Since China is such a large country covering a wide variety of the regions and geological
characteristics, one would wonder (1) where tourists have visited in China, and (2) what
economic contribution tourists have made to different regions. According to the Yearbook of
China’s Tourism Statistics, there were thirty-one major Provinces in China that had recorded
international tourist numbers as well as foreign exchange earnings associated with the
international tourists. Table 1 and Table 2 summarized the number of the international tourists
by regions, foreign exchange earning by regions, and the capital investment by sector related to
the tourism activities.
7development encouraged all industries to be more opened and to be more market orientatedapproaching the international level. This newly developed international relationship betweenChina and other countries directly and indirectly promoted the International Tourism activities inall regions in China, which led the China’s Tourism industry to a new era based on the marketmechanism. In accordance with China’s national situation and social character, China’s centralgovernment gradually strengthened the building of trade civilization while developing tourismand kept the correct development orientation of three markets by determining the policy of‘actively develop inbound tourism, positively develop domestic tourism business, and properlydevelop outbound tourism business’. It was obvious that China’s central government determinedthe new direction for the Tourism development associated with business activities as well aspromoting pleasure trips for domestic/international travelers. These changes created a powerfulfoundation for the growth and expansion in China’s Tourism industry, as well as brought insignificant impacts on market activities and economic development.Regional DisparitiesSince China is such a large country covering a wide variety of the regions and geologicalcharacteristics, one would wonder (1) where tourists have visited in China, and (2) whateconomic contribution tourists have made to different regions. According to the Yearbook ofสถิติการท่องเที่ยวของจีน ได้สามสิบหนึ่งจังหวัดหลักในประเทศจีนที่มีบันทึกท่องเที่ยวต่างประเทศเลขเป็นกำไรแลกเปลี่ยนที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการนักท่องเที่ยวต่างประเทศ ตารางที่ 1 และตารางที่ 2 สรุปจำนวนนักท่องเที่ยวนานาชาติโดยภูมิภาค แลกรายได้ทางภูมิภาค เงินลงทุน โดยภาคที่เกี่ยวข้องกับกิจกรรมท่องเที่ยว
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..