When National Yunlin University of Science and Technology was built in 1989, the campus water body was included in the school's school included its water body in the system of environmental management program. This program included planned to constructed a flood irrigation system by using ecological engineering methods. First, rainwater and the secondary efluent water from a treatment plant at the university were collected.The water was then passed through a system comprised of channels running along the campus, an artificial lake, and other facilities, which have an aeration ladder and oxidation pond with pre-processing functions. Finally, the irrigated water then flowed into the flood irrigation system. This system used ladder designing to increase hydraulic retention time. The irrigation design also included covered pavement and revetment with cobbles to improve its permeability and to enlarge the inhabitation space for animal and vegetation. The design goals for the system were to integrate the benefits of channels, to let flora grow naturally in the flood irrigation system, and to remove excessive nutrients in the irrigated water by natural purge.