Botterill and Crompton(1996), whose conceptual framework was driven by PCT conducted a series of structured interviews in an effort to understand"experience" from the perspective of individual tourists. Their findings indicate that emotional states are integral to understanding optimal leisure experiences Although quite different from a conceptual standpoint, Montag(2000), Kearns(2001), and Ashton-Shaeffer and colleagues(2001) also conducted studies to address the notion of experience from an individual perspective. Kearns(2001) for example, in her study of wildlife enthusiasts, notes that an important factor in how individuals interpret their experience is the character, or context, of the inter seeking. Lee and associates(1994), building on Denzin's(1984) modes of lived emotions(i.e., sensible feelings, lived body feelings, intentional value feelings, and self and moral feelings), argue that individuals are more likely to address sensible(e.g., physical sensations in the body) and intentional value i g., forms of emotionality such as being attractive feelings when discussing their leisure experiences. Cohen(1979) and Vallee(1987), on the other hand, suggest that the travel experience is, for many consumers, akin to a religious experience or pilgrimage, offering more than the reward of just being there