Helen cresswell
-oxford bookworms library-
More than shadows
Minty cane had known she was a witch, or something like it, since she was small. She had woken at night to see shadowy people moving silently across the floor of her room, or heard invisible feet. She did not talk about these things because she did not think them strange. She had once spoken of a dark visitor to her mother, kate, but kate had talked about lights from cars in the street making shadows. In the past year, minty sometimes heard her father´s voice. And she knew that was strange, because he was dead.
Kate worked all day at the hospital, so for the summer holidays she decided that minty should go to the village of belton and stay with an old friend of kate's family.
Aunt mary lived in a little stone house opposite belton house, which was large and once belonged to lord brownlow. None of the brownlow family lived there now and the house was open to visitors from april to october.
`i always think of belton as a place where things happen' said kate. `when i was small and stayed with aunt mary , i had the front bedroom. I could see the top of the churc, and bits of the garden at belton house.'
`were there ghosts?' said Minty
`perhaps. But i never actually saw anything'
they drove to belton the day after school finished, and aunt mary was waiting at her front door.
`you've grown', she told minty, then said to kate, `she´ll have the same room that you always had.'