Off-Season typically refers to the period of time in-which the individual is growing. An off-season often refers to a competitive bodybuilders bulking period but also refers to an athletes time away from his sport, i.e. when he is not actually playing. We want to go ahead and get this period out of the way as most will find the effects of Winstrol during this phase to be very weak and in most cases making it an anabolic steroid that has very little use in an off-season period. We can however make one slight exception. One of the effects of Winstrol is it dramatically lowers SHBG and it is by this action it creates a nice synergetic effect with other anabolic steroids. It has also been speculated this effect may enable the individual to solidify the gains made to a greater degree and that is always a welcomed trait. While this may be true its still not enough to make the effects of Winstrol really worthwhile during an off-season period. Most any individual will be far better served supplementing with other items and saving this Stanozolol hormone for other purposes.