hydroponics comes from combining the Greek word meaning "hydro" meaning "water" and "ponos" means "work", which is the combination of two words together, the meaning is Water-working "or" means "work of water (nutrient)" through the plant roots.It refers to how to plant crops on soil imitation By planting on plant material or nutrients. Without the plant material. So the plants get the nutrients. Or nutrient solution with water mixed with minerals needed by the plant roots.
At present, hydroponics (Hydroponics) popular widely. There is growing in large industrial level and income of the enterprises as well. Therefore to choose to consume vegetables grown in Hydroponics system which are grown in greenhouses in insect pest control. To use fewer chemicals. The vegetables are vegetables health. The cultivation and management, simple as you think. Everyone can grow own every household to consume within the family. To eat vegetables fresh. Clean and safe, and help strengthen. Create commitment and warmth to the family with the other hand.