STING and cGAS are involved in DNA-dependent IFN-b induction in chicken. A. Level of IFN-b mRNA at 3.5 h after electroporation with CT DNA, in HD-11 cells that had been
electroporated with or without the indicated siRNAs 24 h earlier. Results were normalised to the no siRNA þ DNA sample for each experiment, to account for variable IFN-b induction
between experiments. Bars represent the mean ± SEM of relative expression. Significance relative to the control siRNA þ DNA sample was determined prior to normalisation
by paired ratio one-tailed t test (N ¼ 3), *p < 0.03. B and C. Knockdown of STING and cGAS mRNAs (respectively) at 24 h after electroporation with the indicated siRNAs.
Results were normalised to the no siRNA samples, which had mean raw values of 0.000047 for STING/GAPDH and 0.0042 for cGAS/GAPDH. Bars represent the mea