Papuan student in Wamena has glue poured over his head by Indonesian soldiers and is then set on fire.
Everyday our people are suffering. Everyday our people are being treated with no respect, no dignity. We must be free. This is why Indonesia bans foreign journalists and does not want the world to find out what it does in West Papua.
According to a report received by TAPOL, Yusuf Hiluka, 23, was stopped outside the office of the Regent of Jayawijaya District by two officers from Satpol PP (Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja), the district civil security unit, while making his way from a friend’s house to the Wamena bus terminal. Without questioning Mr Hiluka, the Satpol PP officers poured glue on his head and set it alight. Mr Hiluka’s head and the back of his neck were engulfed in flames.