After, we are studying and doing project about the problem of English writing from ten items of basic sentence pattern and ten items of grammar type of error for analyze and we choose only secondary education (M.3) amount sixteen students from Wat Saithong ( Sakhonratsongkhro ) School, Phetchaburi province. We discover almost problems of pattern and grammar because the student are ignore or forget but it’s very important to communication and writing of English. These problems are very simple and easy but we cannot ignore them. Moreover, we should emphasize these weak points in order not to make the same mistake in the future. If we don’t repair the problems its make the student can’t understand and use the problem to the future. From we are checking point of error and learning from this project. We have more knowledge and skill of writing than past that we can use it for study in the future.
After, we are studying and doing project about the problem of English writing from ten items type of error for analyze and we choose only twenty students from the first year, Bachelor of Education in Mathematics and Computing at Phetchaburi Rajabhat University. We discover almost verb tense problems because the students have grammar knowledge not enough for writing. The students use present tense, past tense, and future tense to one paper of writing. For example, in the beginning they use present tense, but in the ending they use past tense or future tense. From we are checking point of error and learning from this project. We have more knowledge and skill of writing than past that we can use it for study in the future.